Saturday, March 20, 2010

How tall are you?

Uncle Ed says that the people he works with thinks he is "freakin" tall....well...he wanted to prove that he really isn't. His older brother has that title as well as one of his nephews. This is for you Ed so you can show everyone the truth of the height thingy!
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Ginnie Hart said...

i would love to stand him up next to some of the tall Dutch men I have seen here in Holland, Neva! :) I read somewhere that the men here are the tallest (per capita) in the world. I believe it.

Shammickite said...

Which one is Uncle Ed? The one in the middle?

Neva said...

Uncle Ed is in the middle. Charley - husband- Usonian the left. Eric -the son- on the right.

Gledwood said...

The world is too dinky for most people these days...

Having said that I'll never forget an old door I saw... I think it was at the side of Norwich Cathedral: built for gnomes who were no more than 4ft tall, which I suppose most people were back in 1175...