I know my family had a lot to say about my last blog entry here. Obviously they know me very well and the title to my blog could not be more accurate if I tried. One of my girlfriends refers to me as the best "truth before tact" person she knows. This is mostly true...and I say mostly because I am not really out to hurt anyone's feelings on purpose. I go out of my way to help others. I have a revolving door for those that need a place to stay ( I have had Germans, Koreans and Colombians live with me)....I live my life in a way that involves no need for me to be embarrassed about how I live. I will go and sit with you in a nursing home or hospital, I will take you to the grocery store...I might not remember your birthday but I am always willing to help out. I am clean and neat. I am a control freak. I like to get along with people..I would just as soon smile at you as to not. I love to talk to anyone.
Having said all this.....apparently I have annoyed, unintentionally, my neighborhood neighbors. Many are upset that I have chosen to blog about the town I live in and have asked me to cease and desist.....at least of taking pictures of the neighborhood. It begs the question...why? and if you live in such a lovely community do you expect no one to drive through the neighborhood and admire your gorgeous homes? Do you really think I am setting you up for robbery's?(yes, apparently) Have you heard of google earth?
I am not quite sure how to respond. I have edited a few of my blogs in order to be a good neighbor but I feel that smacks of censorship and I am not very willing to do too much of that. I blog freely. I make no claims to honesty or truth...I write to amuse my self. Stories I write are mine and mine alone. I am not derogatory nor am I doing anything illegal. I follow the The Blog code of conduct. I love my daily photo blog and will continue to blog and photo what I find interesting about my town. I am proud of where I live and choose to share it with my family and friends that can't come to see me or my town. I will consider your comments....but that by no means gives you the right to tell me what I can or can not blog.I have never blogged private information. I appreciate your concern but I am a pretty nice person...I am a good neighbor...regardless of my long standing desire to not be part of the Homeowners Association. (I had no idea that-after 23 years of living here- in order to be a good neighbor I had to be a member of a strictly voluntary/social organization and then have to listen to the whining about no 100% participation.)
So, stop by for a visit and enjoy what I enjoy about where I live.
Our 15th Anniversary Get-Away
Our exact 15th anniversary date was February 5, 2025, but the actual
get-away was February 24-28, Monday to Friday, last week. A mini-vacation!
There wa...
12 hours ago
Thank you for sharing your neighborhood and town with us all. I enjoy the visits! Maybe one of these days we'll be able to fly out there and see it with our own eyes, but until then, keep up the good work! Thanks for the weekly reminders of life outside of my own little world!
We love you GREAT Aunt Neva!
Neva, Neva, Neva, you are the kind of person that these people need to have for a friend and neighbor. Most of the people that I have known, who are members of a Homeowner Associations, are also members of the "Get A Life Club". If they just relax, forget the Homeowner Association, and become a home owner, which generally turns them into good neighbors.
Won't you be my Neighbor?
Ahh! yes, what a wonderful line.
Geez....what grumpy people!!! A blog is one's own journal online. A journal where you can post what you want. Whatever happened to personal freedom?!? Go ahead and keep posting your opinions and your photos!! Don't let those grumpy people get to you!!
Even though your family has commented on your "bluntess" sometimes...we recognize that part of you because it could be considered a somewhat "family trait"...especially on the sister's side!!! We all know that you would do ANYTHING and always will be there for your family, friends and neighbors. It is a shame that some people cannot enjoy life and what they have and allow people to do the same. We enjoy your pictures and stories and dislike "small mindedness"!!! Maybe it is a little jealousy that is causing some negative feedback...not many bloggers have the number of visitors that you get on your blog site...and a large part of those visitors are international. Keep those pictures and stories coming because we enjoy them... and if someone wants to rob a neighborhood, they will do it regardless of a blog!!
If you aren't breaking the law, i saw keep on posting pictures of the neighborhood. They have no right to tell you what to blog about or not. It's un-american to have you censor your blog. They can complain all they want, but that is something that i think you can tolerate. To stop doing what you love out of censorship is just plain wrong and i encourage you to post whatever you want. Newespapers print whatever they want, and i'm sure plenty of people complain about that, but they haven't stopped yet have they? If you're that concerned, i would say put up a comments box next to your mailbox, then have a blog dedicated to posting what comments you get.
I'm amazed.
Your best line, "Have you heard of google earth?" Send your neighbors to Google street maps, where they can see houses, cars and people, in any neighborhood in America, anytime they want to?
Thanks for visiting my blog, Kep was over the moon to have a fan! Reading this post i had to comment, do not let them stop you. not ever. We have a term for people like that, NIMBY's, not in my back yard, they will protect other people rights to do thing but not when it could involve them. Keep up the great work, to use another old English term 'Sod them all'
I'm amazed that your neighbors and the Home Owners Association haven't figured you out. The harder they push the more stubborn we get. It's the German streak in us. Another thing did these stellar citizens ever take a history class? We have a Constitution which has a Bill of Rights and this special little amendment as in the FIRST amendment which states "Congress will make no law abridging the freedom of speech" You aren't breaking any laws so why should your busy body neighbors care if you blog about your community. They should be proud. I honestly don't understand why people don't just get a life and worry about things that matter. They should be glad it's you they have for a neighbor and not me. Your other sister.
Neva, you go girl! NPR said yesterday that, in fact, home burgleries are way down, so what are these people worried about?(Fascinating story, BTW. Check it out.) How would your neighbors know that you have a photo blog? It is NONE of their business, but it still gets under one's skin when people are so petty.
I know too, that when one of these neighbors is in need of help or a friend, you will be there. I have it on good authority that when you die you'll het to go the head of the line.
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