Friday, June 08, 2007

Bad owner?

I became just like some of the parents I know and love.....
Clancy graduated from Beginner Obedience a diploma and everything... and then they suggested that he might need to take Beginner 1 again....
I thought about that for all of 2 seconds....heck no I said.. you passed him and I don't recall reading anything about "no dog left behind" so you MUST think he can do beginner obedience that's what we'll do thankyouverymuch.

We will see if I come out of this smelling like a rose or like the overachieving dog owner I want to be!!!


Designs By Leigha said...


Liz said...

WDM - I had to look that one up. Hilarious!

MotherOf3Guys said...

Can't wait to see how you do!